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How to Transfer iCloud Emails to Gmail Account?


Sep 29, 2023
To export iCloud emails to Gmail account, follow these five simple steps:

1. Enable IMAP in Gmail: Log in to your Gmail account, go to Settings > See all settings > Forwarding and POP/IMAP, and enable IMAP.

2. Generate an App-Specific Password for iCloud: Log in to your Apple ID account page, go to Security > App-Specific Passwords, and generate a password for mail.

3. Set Up iCloud Email in a Mail Client: Open a mail client like Outlook or Thunderbird, and add your iCloud email using the app-specific password you generated.

4. Add Gmail Account to the Same Mail Client: In the same mail client, add your Gmail account by logging in with your Gmail credentials.

5. Transfer Emails: Select all the emails in your iCloud account within the mail client, then drag and drop them into the Gmail account's inbox or desired folder.

By following these steps, you can efficiently transfer your iCloud emails to your Gmail account.



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