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i5 8600k vs i5 9400f vs ryzen 5 2600 vs ryzen 7 2700 vs i7 8700k for premier pro


May 11, 2019
hi, i m going to build a pc for video editing in adobe premiere pro and doing little bit of after effect, gaming is not my priority and i will be not doing that(except for some time) i have narrow down some parts for my build but stuck with processor as a result motherboard and gpu is also not fixed(because i have a fix budget and according to that i have to manage thees parts) my build other than these three part is

ram=====corsair 2400mhz 16x2==32gb
storage==== a)segeate 1tb
b) crusial bxm500 240gb

in starting i m going with ryzen 5 2600 and 10606gb but after that i came to know that there is very much less requirement of gpu other than exporting(which in my case is not that much imp because i m wedding videographer and hence delay of 1 hr is ok for me but not much ) and also premier pro is optimised for intel cpu's. after that i again do some research and found these one
with each cpu price i hooked up a gpu which does not break my budget
i5 9400f is the cheapest processor and i7 8700k is the most expensive.
here are the configration that i can do acccording to my budget

i5 9400f + 1660 oc 6gb
ryzen 5 2600 + 1060 gb
i5 8600k + 1050 ti+ good cooler/ 1650 +normal cooler
ryzen 2 2700 + 1050 ti
i7 8700k + no gpu(no cash left).

"i m getting motherboard of all these at the same price"

also i m getting ryzen 7 1700 on price of ryzen 5 2600 and
ryzen 5 1600 on price of i5 9400f
please consider this also and help me out
which is the best configuration for premier pro and also for future proof


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