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Cloud based providers for (one or more) databases to connect with?


Sep 22, 2020
Hello folks,

I work for a large company in the IT department and have been asked to re-sort our data. As we have recently expanded, we now have a lot more customer data and it has to be well prepared so that you can work with it. I think it is important that the new database provider we want to use works with clouds so that the data can be accessed from anywhere. I was thinking of Apache Kafka - what do you think of that? Or do you know other providers that could be connected to other databases? Or maybe connect different databases at once?

Kind regards

That you are looking for something that is cloud based is very intelligent. Nowadays it is very important that you can access your data from anywhere. If I were you I would not commit myself to a database management system but rather to a DBaaS provider that can be connected to different database systems at once. One open source tool for doing that is Aiven for Kafka. It is cloud based. It does all the work related to the databases, so you don't have to maintain them yourself if you don't want to. There is a maintenance service for a little monthly fee if you want but your company can try it for a free trial to see how it works. When you work with Aiven, you can rest assured that your data will be processed quickly and carefully so there is no clutter. The services run on dedicated VM (virtual machines) and they are encrypted (end-to-end-encryption). You can also scale your Kafka Clusters as the data and/or customer needs change. Aiven is doing the configuration for you. With it you can maintain high availability for your Kafka clusters.

Hope I could help a little.
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Hello folks,

I work for a large company in the IT department and have been asked to re-sort our data. As we have recently expanded, we now have a lot more customer data and it has to be well prepared so that you can work with it. I think it is important that the new database provider we want to use works with clouds so that the data can be accessed from anywhere. I was thinking of Apache Kafka - what do you think of that? Or do you know other providers that could be connected to other databases? Or maybe connect different databases at once?

Kind regards
Have yout tried AWS or GCP?
