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How to get Dolby Audio from Amazon Prime Video app on Windows PC?


⚔️ MOD
Dec 30, 2016
How to get Dolby Audio from Amazon Prime Video app on Windows PC? I have a Dolby sound system connected to my PC via optical cable, it's a 5.1 system. I could play Netflix content easily with Dolby, but cannot get surround from Amazon Prime Video. Is there any way to get around this?

I had the same problem and I found a solution and got Dolby Audio on Amazon Prime Video on Windows PC I also faced a problem where the sound was not optimal and I decided to try to sell also my headphones that perform just as well , I purchased a batch and sold it on amazon and if you need to increase your sales on Amazon I recommend reading the blog with the answer to the question what is amazon marketing services , which helped me to improve the marketing of my products.