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We want to invite you to help build world's SuperComputer

Cluster One

Sep 14, 2017
Hi everyone,

I’m the founder of Good Ai Lab and we have just launched our new product Cluster One. It’s a very big project that heavily depends on a community of people being involved and I would love to get your feedback on it. At Cluster One we are trying to help advance science by building the world's largest AI supercomputer.

We understand how much computing power is wasted every day (around 10 billions hours!) and we feel that with our expertise, and if we all join together, we could really make a difference in advancing scientific research.

The product has just launched this week and so I would love your feedback on the site to understand if everything makes sense and would it be something you would want to try, and if not what would stop you?

I have just visited your website. But I don't see anything other than a movement. As I love computing and has built AI based programs on python. Yeah so many cpu cycles are wasted for redundancy in so many servers.

But if it's a product that solves this issue.. how can I test it in my machine. I like the idea of cluster computing. I have done so many models like that using Amazon AWS. But I'm just asking. What sets you better than other solutions which already exist now. And main link appears to be broken. I have tried clicking on the logo of you website after visiting ur website which should get me to home page but appears to be broken..

I am a computer science student. So just tell me how can we make use of it to make things better.

Currently I'm working on a chat bot for telegram which runs on raspberry pi, but it's slow may be your product can help me solve that issue :)

Hi everyone,

I’m the founder of Good Ai Lab and we have just launched our new product Cluster One. It’s a very big project that heavily depends on a community of people being involved and I would love to get your feedback on it. At Cluster One we are trying to help advance science by building the world's largest AI supercomputer.

We understand how much computing power is wasted every day (around 10 billions hours!) and we feel that with our expertise, and if we all join together, we could really make a difference in advancing scientific research.

The product has just launched this week and so I would love your feedback on the site to understand if everything makes sense and would it be something you would want to try, and if not what would stop you?
pr0ph3t Arjun Chandran , @Abhiram Shibu - thank you for your responses. To address the comments, I've recently written a blog post about why we have created Cluster One.

Feel free to read my article on Medium: Announcing Cluster One, the largest AI Supercomputer


To wrap it up for you:

AI as critical as in medical research

AI will be the key to unlocking new scientific discoveries. A year ago, top cancer researchers reported to President Obama about the state of cancer research, and most of their recommendations mentioned large scale computing as a way to move the industry forward.

AI is not affordable for every company and is exclusive because of:
  • algorithms and science is still limited
  • knowledge and expertise to use it is rare
  • infrastructure is hard to build and costly to operate

We see ourselves as solving a part of that problem. Organizations such as the Allen institute are advancing and spreading algorithms. Companies such as Andrew Ng’s deeplearning.ai are trying to spread deep learning skills.
What’s missing in that picture is spreading affordable infrastructure and tools. That’s why we are launching Cluster One.
We want to enable researchers to address life-threatening problems, by scaling AI to the next level.

It is important to understand what size we need to reach before being able to do something meaningful.
For example, take Diabetic Retinopathy, a disease that affects people with diabetes, and can ultimately cause blindness. It affects nearly 100 Million people in the world.

For the sake of understanding what it would take to offer a screening solution through AI, let us assume the following.
  • explore 100 ideas
  • run 50 experiments per idea
  • run each of them for a week of computation, on 50 machines

That’s a total of 42MM compute hours.

That would cost around $10MM on the public cloud (eg: on AWS’s c4.2xlarge), or several dozens of millions of upfront investment for a private infrastructure.

Or it could be provided by 15,000 contributors who provide 8 hours of compute a day for a year, on recent computers.

That’s why we believe in the power of distributed computing and we’re on a mission to scale AI to enable researchers push science further. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any further questions or would like to know more about the movement. Or if you want to help, sign up to join Cluster One community.
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pr0ph3t Arjun Chandran , @Abhiram Shibu- thank you for your responses. To address the comments, I've recently written a blog post about why we have created Cluster One.

Feel free to read my article on Medium: Announcing Cluster One, the largest AI Supercomputer


To wrap it up for you:

AI as critical as in medical research

AI will be the key to unlocking new scientific discoveries. A year ago, top cancer researchers reported to President Obama about the state of cancer research, and most of their recommendations mentioned large scale computing as a way to move the industry forward.

AI is not affordable for every company and is exclusive because of:
  • algorithms and science is still limited
  • knowledge and expertise to use it is rare
  • infrastructure is hard to build and costly to operate

We see ourselves as solving a part of that problem. Organizations such as the Allen institute are advancing and spreading algorithms. Companies such as Andrew Ng’s deeplearning.ai are trying to spread deep learning skills.
What’s missing in that picture is spreading affordable infrastructure and tools. That’s why we are launching Cluster One.
We want to enable researchers to address life-threatening problems, by scaling AI to the next level.

It is important to understand what size we need to reach before being able to do something meaningful.
For example, take Diabetic Retinopathy, a disease that affects people with diabetes, and can ultimately cause blindness. It affects nearly 100 Million people in the world.

For the sake of understanding what it would take to offer a screening solution through AI, let us assume the following.
  • explore 100 ideas
  • run 50 experiments per idea
  • run each of them for a week of computation, on 50 machines

That’s a total of 42MM compute hours.

That would cost around $10MM on the public cloud (eg: on AWS’s c4.2xlarge), or several dozens of millions of upfront investment for a private infrastructure.

Or it could be provided by 15,000 contributors who provide 8 hours of compute a day for a year, on recent computers.

That’s why we believe in the power of distributed computing and we’re on a mission to scale AI to enable researchers push science further. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any further questions or would like to know more about the movement. Or if you want to help, sign up to join Cluster One community.
Abhiram Shibu Abhiram Shibu any thoughts on this? And are you with us?

I'll definitely take a look at Cluster One and provide feedback. Engaging the community in such projects not only fosters collaboration but also accelerates progress in various fields of science and technology.
Your initiative to build the world's largest AI supercomputer with Cluster One is incredibly ambitious and exciting! Leveraging community involvement to harness unused computing power for scientific research is a noble cause. It's impressive to see how your project aims to address the significant amount of computing power wasted daily and channel it towards advancing scientific endeavors.
If you're interested in exploring more about cutting-edge computing technologies and their potential applications, you might find quantumai.co to be a valuable resource. It offers insights into the latest advancements in quantum computing and related fields.
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Congrats on launching Cluster One! The idea of creating the world's largest AI supercomputer by leveraging community involvement is incredibly ambitious and exciting. It's impressive how you aim to utilize wasted computing power to advance scientific research—this could really make a significant impact.
I took a look at your site and it’s very well laid out. The concept is clear and the potential benefits are huge. One thing that might enhance your project even further is exploring the integration of Quantum AI technologies. Quantum AI offers advanced computing capabilities that could complement your AI supercomputer, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in scientific research even further.
Best of luck with your project, and keep us updated!