Yes and yes... an antinna has gain function which incrases and gets stable then decreases so if an antinna is rated for range of freq it performs best at the mid frequency.Demo kit means bundle 1?
and will these antennas of rtl-sdr work for hackrf, they say it covers all frequencies.
Just buy demo kit, it does have a "good enough" antinna which will perform good in mid spectrum aka VHF and UHF bands. Just remeber that for low signals u are going to need a parabolic antinna or even a dipole antinna
Just buy demo kit, it does have a "good enough" antinna which will perform good in mid spectrum aka VHF and UHF bands. Just remeber that for low signals u are going to need a parabolic antinna or even a dipole antinna
Happy Hacking
Yes and yes... an antinna has gain function which incrases and gets stable then decreases so if an antinna is rated for range of freq it performs best at the mid frequency.Demo kit means bundle 1?
and will these antennas of rtl-sdr work for hackrf, they say it covers all frequencies.