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Getting Bad Stuttering in New PC Build


Jun 29, 2018
Hello. So ever since I built my pc a few days ago, I have noticed stuttering in most of the games I tried (1% and 0.1% low framerates are very low but average framerates are very high). What could be causing this and how do I get rid of it? I have well above 60 fps in all games and v-sync off. I play at 1080p 144hz. GPU and CPU temps are great. Something I did notice is that CPU usage seems higher than it should be. However, nothing is eating up the CPU in task manager other than the game.

-Asus 1070 Strix OC
-16GB DDR4-2666 (dual channel)
-Crucial MX500 1 TB SSD
-650W 80+ Bronze PS
-MSI Z370-A Pro MB

Userbenchmark Results
-Without OC: http://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/9372312
-With OC: http://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/9372365

Things I tried
-Overclocking GPU
-Putting antivirus (bitdefender) in gaming mode
-Turning off antivirus
-Updating all drivers
-Reverted back to previous video driver
-Checking for memory leak
-Disabling razer synapse
-Closing unnecessary processes
-Closing MSI Afterburner
-Enabling all privacy tweaks on Ultimate Windows Tweaker
-Uninstalling Geforce Experience
-Disabling windows game bar
-Disabling shader cache
-Used GPU as physx processor
-Ran windows RAM diagnostic test
-Ran command prompts "bcdedit /set disabledynamicstick yes" and "bcdedit /set useplatformclock true"
-Changed settings in nvidia control panel
-Moved RAM to different slot
-Checked all connections
-Capped fps to 60 in game and on the monitor
-Enabled vsync
-Uninstalled msi and asus lighting software
-Closed OneDrive
-Reinstalled windows and only installed steam/didn't change any windows settings
-Installed game on external HDD
-Switched SATA cables
-Tried different SATA ports
-Moved gpu to different pcie slot
-Disabled Cortana
-Uninstalled Xbox app
-Updated bios and motherboard drivers
-Updated monitor drivers
-Updated SSD firmware
-Changing pagefile size to 1x, 1.5x, 2x and 3x RAM
-Disconnected ethernet and ran games in offline mode

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Try playing at optimal settings on GeForce Experience.
I figured out the problem. As good as that i5-8400 is, it's not quite powerful enough for a 144hz monitor. I was already kind of suspecting this when I saw that my cpu usage was higher than it should be. My suspicions were confirmed when I overclocked the cpu a little and the stuttering decreased. I bought an i5-8600k which should be a perfect match for a gtx 1070 and a 144hz monitor.

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I figured out the problem. As good as that i5-8400 is, it's not quite powerful enough for a 144hz monitor. I was already kind of suspecting this when I saw that my cpu usage was higher than it should be. My suspicions were confirmed when I overclocked the cpu a little and the stuttering decreased. I bought an i5-8600k which should be a perfect match for a gtx 1070 and a 144hz monitor.
Oh that's great thanks for sharing it here.
Oh that's great thanks for sharing it here.
Ok so I bought the i5-8600k, more RAM and a corsair h100i v2 cooler and although the stuttering did decrease, it is still definitely present. In rocket league for example, I have an average fps of like 240, however it constantly drops to around 60 fps. It makes the game feel sluggish, despite the high framerates. and yes I tried capping it at 144Hz and 60Hz. It has to be a hardware problem right? I literally did a clean install of windows 10 and installed nothing but the games I was trying.
