Yeah but, the AWP receives the same use most of the time, alongside the Negev and M249, so are these guns also that bad? Besides, the use is to no fault to the weapon, but to the person using it, as these weapons can also be used effectively while rushing on all ranges, so rushing with the gun is bad too?Gay-Gun:
Gay-Gun is a term used in the video game Counter-Strike which refers to guns like the G3SG1 and the SCAR-20. Players using these guns are criticized as "Gay Gunners"
Gay-Guns receive so much hate because players using them tend to camp at a safe spot and easily gun down opponents.
Yeah i too dont like people saying this, but sadly that's how people are. The weapon is in the game and we cant use it!Yeah but, the AWP receives the same use most of the time, alongside the Negev and M249, so are these guns also that bad? Besides, the use is to no fault to the weapon, but to the person using it, as these weapons can also be used effectively while rushing on all ranges, so rushing with the gun is bad too?
I don't understand why they are so hated, like camping is something done mostly with the AWP yet the SCAR-20 and G3SG1 are the weapons that are hated because of camping?
Just simply dumb when you think about it.